Master of Divinity

image of divinity student

Master of Divinity

Robust preparation for a lifetime of Christian service, wherever God may lead.

Think deeply. Live faithfully. Lead with purpose.

Maybe this feeling sounds familiar: You have a restless sense that God is calling you to something more, but you aren’t sure what that “something” is or what it looks like? Or, you have a deep desire to serve, but feel unprepared—or maybe even inadequate—for the task?

Campbell Divinity School can help. Our conviction is that the call to ministry is the call to prepare for ministry—and an essential part of that preparation is clarifying the call. That’s why the Master of Divinity (MDiv) degree weaves together classical disciplines (Bible, history, theology) with practical ministry (leadership, mission, and worship) and spiritual formation—all in the context of a warm and supportive community. The result is readiness for a life of ministry and openness to wherever God’s call might lead.

To experience the Campbell Divinity community and explore the MDiv further, register for an open house. Or, if you’re ready to begin this journey of preparation and transformation, apply today!


The MDiv can prepare you for: 

  • Pastoral ministry/Church staff service
  • Chaplaincy (Military, Hospital, Prison)
  • Counseling
  • Nonprofit/Community-based ministry
  • A lifelong pursuit of intellectual and spiritual formation

Explore the Master of Divinity Program

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Located in Buies Creek, Campbell is situated in the heart of North Carolina. Campbell’s charming, rural setting offers a place of learning and retreat for students commuting from locations throughout the state and beyond.

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"It starts with that sense that God is up to something. We come alongside in a process of formation — but it’s the student’s journey." Dr. Andrew H. Wakefield Dean and Professor of New Testament & Greek