Annual Lecture Series
It’s important to Campbell Divinity School that ministers have resources and opportunities available to them throughout the year that enrich them academically, spiritually, and in their ministries. The annual lecture series brings scholars from around the country and world to deliver lectures on a wide variety of topics that are related to evangelism, biblical studies, and preaching.
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World Religions and Global Cultures Center
The George W. and Joan O. Braswell World Religions and Global Cultures Center of Campbell University Divinity School enables one to teach and train within churches and other groups on a particular religion and cultural group. Ministers and laypersons can become a Certified Teacher-Trainer in a World Religion. Teach and train your church to understand and share your faith with your religious neighbors.
Hispanic Theological Education
Since 2002, Campbell Divinity School has offered certificates in theological education in Spanish. These classes meet on Saturdays in Taylor Hall, home of Campbell Divinity School. The program’s courses are offered at a reduced rate to assist in making theological education an affordable option.
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