Program FAQ

Master of Arts in Faith and Leadership Formation

Degree Program Questions

  • Graduating seniors interested in clarifying their future while earning a meaningful master’s degree
  • Students in professional programs such as law, medicine, education, or business with a desire to integrate faith into their future profession
  • Nonprofit leaders dedicated to professional development and spiritual formation
  • Professionals who seek to focus their lives and careers around faith
  • Anyone who craves an integrated life of deep faith and service-oriented leadership

The MA in Faith & Leadership Formation degree program is designed to be accessible to most potential students without sacrificing the enriching and important element of community that is essential to the degree. Most classes will meet once a week (Mondays 6:00-8:30 pm). Some will meet in a weekend retreat format. A few will be 100% online. All courses will include online learning, but the degree is not fully online. Overall, the degree program hopes to establish collaborative cohorts of students that engage in significant conversations with their professors and fellow students both in person and online.

In our context, a cohort is a group of diverse students who share a common commitment to a life and vocation informed by their Christian faith.  Each cohort will include up to 20 graduate students whose age, race, gender, and professional experience enable them to contribute to a rich and engaging conversation in matters of faith and leadership formation.

Absolutely! (But, in ways you might not expect.) Many masters-level degrees have a concrete career outcome in mind. Some prepare a person for certification in a particular career (e.g., a Master’s degree in a psychological field can lead to licensure for the practice of therapy). Some degrees promise advancement in terms of increased pay or job title (e.g., MBA). The MA in Faith & Leadership Formation does not lead to licensure and in many career fields it is unlikely to lead to a pay raise. However, what this degree accomplishes might be even farther reaching. Consider the desired outcomes:

  • Improved self-knowledge that leads to a clearer sense of purpose and meaning.
  • Sharpened skills of interpersonal communication and conflict resolution.
  • Formation in the wisdom of the Christian tradition with an emphasis on character formation, moral discernment, and joining in God’s good work in the world.

These results are not career enhancements in the same way a certification might be. But, it is easy to see how these outcomes are directly relevant for a flourishing life on the job—and in the rest of life.

No. While the type of personal and spiritual formation involved in the MA in Faith & Leadership Formation would be excellent preparation for ministry, this degree focuses on the knowledge and skills best suited to lay leaders and those whose work is in the world. Our other master-level degrees (Master of Divinity and MA in Christian Ministry) offer more extensive training in the necessary biblical, historical, theological, and practical ministry studies necessary for a well-grounded life in congregational ministry. See this chart for an in-depth comparison.

Yes. The MA in Faith & Leadership Formation degree program is specifically designed for those who share a common commitment to the Christian faith. Its curriculum presumes that all students are active disciples of Jesus although not called to full-time ministry. The degree is not restricted, however, to students of any particular denominational affiliation.

Admissions Questions

The application for the MA in Faith & Leadership Formation program can be completed online. 

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No. Although a strong liberal arts background is encouraged, we welcome applicants from diverse educational backgrounds. Students in the MA in Faith & Leadership Formation degree program represent educational backgrounds in the areas of business, medicine, engineering, law, education, social services, history, health sciences, psychology and a variety of others.

The MA in Faith & Leadership Formation degree program is unique to Campbell University Divinity School; therefore, transferring from a similar program is not likely. However, the structure of the program allows for individuals who have earned master-level credits from another program to transfer up to six credit hours, utilizing the program’s elective hours.

Yes. Master-level credits may transfer from one Campbell Divinity degree to another. Because the curriculum of the MA in Christian Ministry degree has much fewer elective hours, transferring more than six hours will be of limited benefit. The curriculum of the Master of Divinity degree has much more room for elective hours so that all the hours from the MA in Faith & Leadership Formation degree (if the degree has not been conferred) may be transferred and counted toward the ninety hours required for the Master of Divinity.

Financial Questions

Courses for the MA in Faith & Leadership Formation are charged per credit hour based on the master-level tuition rate for the academic year.

View current tuition and fees

Yes! All MA in Faith & Leadership Formation students will receive scholarship assistance. Campbell Divinity School has been blessed by the gifts of donors, churches, and organizations over the years and has a wide variety of endowed scholarship opportunities available to students.

Learn more about scholarship eligibility, endowed scholarships, and other institutional and outside scholarship opportunities.

Once a student is accepted into the program he/she will be sent an application form that is used along with the student’s application for admission to determine a scholarship award package. Scholarship amounts are determined based on merit and need.

Yes. Student loans are an option for students; however, we encourage individuals to use student loans as a last resort in an effort to reduce the overall debt accrued during their program. The University Financial Aid Office processes FAFSA and student loan information, not the Divinity School. Contact the University Financial Aid Office with questions related to loans.

Contact the Office of Financial Aid

Additional Questions?

Contact the Divinity School Admissions Office at (910) 893-1830 or email

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