It is my great pleasure and privilege to bring greetings to you from Campbell University Divinity School. This school began in 1996 with a simple but profound mission, to provide theological education that is Christ-Centered, Bible-Based, and Ministry-Focused. As we begin our twenty-first year of service, we are both proud and humbled that this mission statement continues to define everything that we do.
Campbell University Divinity School is Christ-Centered. We invite you to enter into an education that will lead you into more than mere intellectual stimulation or academic exercise. Our classes and professors will indeed challenge you to stretch and grow intellectually, but our ultimate desire and goal is that you stretch and grow spiritually. Everything we do grows out of our shared commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord.
Campbell University Divinity School is Bible-Based. This means much more than just an affirmation of the centrality of the Bible. Because we claim the Bible as authority and guide, we will not settle for simply accepting what others have said. We will urge you and equip you to dig deeply into the text, to wrestle diligently with the teachings and history of the church throughout the ages, to come to your own understanding of what you believe and why you believe it.
Campbell University Divinity School is Ministry-Focused. Our shared calling is to nurture and serve the people of God. We will not only help you gain the professional skills and knowledge you need to fulfill this calling, but also together we will model what it means to be in genuine Christian community. One of the most important distinctives of our school is the way that faculty, staff, and students love and support each other as family.
There is much more to be said about our school—and you will find it all in the pages of this website. We invite you to read about the spiritual formation curriculum, the generous financial aid, and the opportunities to take elective courses in other schools of Campbell University. We invite you to explore our multiple degree programs—Master of Divinity, Master of Arts in Christian Ministry, Master of Divinity/Master of Business Administration, Master of Divinity/Juris Doctor, and Doctor of Ministry. We invite you to catch a glimpse of the quality of worship we enjoy in weekly chapel services. We believe that you will discover a unique blending of strong academics and strong spiritual nurture at Campbell University Divinity School.
Please don’t hesitate to ask us questions. We would be pleased to send you additional materials describing our school and its programs. Better yet, call or come for a visit. I look forward to meeting you!
Grace and peace,
Andrew H. Wakefield
Dean and Professor